How to Stay Focused and Have a Clear Vision for Your salon.

You can do anything you want, you just can’t do everything you want. Have you every heard this saying? WE as humans have our limitations and shortcomings. Its just the way it is. We can't be everything. It would make things really boring in all honesty. You have to know what your talents are and you have to know your weaknesses. Concentrate on what you do well and put good people in your corner that can do the things you can't do well. 

As business owners and hairstylist we often want to do everything, but we just can’t It’s just too much and we get overwhelmed. Your business pays the price. Knowing who you and who you  are targeting is most important. Once you know what it is staying focused is were its at. If you happen to attract outside of that, then they're a bonus and that ok, but you can’t appeal to everyone. If you are everything to everyone, you are nothing to no one. Another one of those saying but its true, especial when it comes to marketing strategies and social media plans. Know who you are and who your target is. 

Here are my tips on staying focused on your path and your journey and how to combat overwhelm. 

Know what is most important and define it. 

I make lists and notes for everything. The notes section my phone is intense and most people get anxiety looking at it, but it works for me. I find comfort in it because all my thoughts are organized by categories and within those categories, I have different sub categories. Its all in one place on a device that is always with me. Figure out what works for you, but you have to brain dump it some place so you can organize it and edit as you go. Every month on a Sunday I go through and I delete what I've already done or I edit it to more closely resemble real life. 

Being actionable with you To Do List.

Having your To-Do List is great but you need to break it down into bite sizes in order to act on them. What's the point of having it if you don’t actually do it. 

Specific, Measurable, Achiveable, Relevant and Time specific, these are the qualities you use to quantify your goals. You need to hold yourself accountable. As long as you are moving forward it doesn’t mater how big or small that step is, its the direction that matters. 

Be real with yourself. 

Don’t try to be a massive overachiever by trying to do everything at once. Again break it down to real life possibilities. The reason eveyone thinks certain people are overnight successes is because no one was looking or paying attention when they where taking their small actionable steps. You are only one person and its important to have a small semi-balance of a life or else what are you working so hard for.

Did this resonate with you? What are some goals you are struggling with? Fee free to leave us a comment. 

Lots of (hair) Love, 

Lesley D. Flanagan